TPAL = TP Assembly Language
Example source file "primes.t"
--- as in TPbook Section 6.5.2 ---
to TPpage /
compressed version primes.dry
Routine for Computing Primes
Routine PRIMES computes primes up to n by the sieve of Erathostenes,
complemented as explained on TP-book page 226. The routine is
completely self-contained, "PRIMEND:" labels its final line.
Inputs: [A]= n < &/2, p1,p2,p3,p4 stacky;
Returns: 2,3,5,... primes -= n wordwise on T1,
p1 on top word = pi(n), p2,p3,p4 as before.
P.PRIMES: JPHA.ALARM, if n += &/2
LC=2, CT1+, LM=3, MT1+, store 2,3
LB=5, JNL.PRIM3, if n += 5 then main routine
SB.C, JAZ.PRIM1, if n=2
JHAZ.PRIM2, if n=3 or n=4
P1-, CM, for n=1 or n=0
PRIM1: P1-, CM, for n<3
PRIM2: CT1, RTS, store pi(n) and return
Main part of PRIMES: (for n += 5)
ADR .p.dp.n
PRIM3: BT0+, LM=4, MT0+, p:= 5, dp:= 4
AT0+, LC=0, store n, s:= 0
PRIM4: CT0, save s = number of sequences on T0
LCBM p, ML, LA.M, p -> C, v:= p^2 -> A ([E]=0 by ML)
LM.C, SM H1, 2p -> M
LB n, JGR.PMERGE, if p^2 > n then start merging
storing sequence of multiples v = m.p for m congruent 1, 5 mod 6,
ZT1+, set bottom zero for sequence
LK dp, KM, JKM.PRIM6, if dp > 2 (then old dp equal to 4)
PRIM5: AT1+, AD.M, AD.M, v:= v + 4p
JGR.PRIM7, if v > n then exit
PRIM6: AT1+, AD.M, JNG.PRIM5, v:= v + 2p, loop while v -= n
next prime p:
PRIM7: LA=6, SB dp, AT dp, dp:= 6 - dp
AD.C, LC.A, p:= p + dp
LB=1, LK=2, t:= 1, dt:= 2
: LA=6, SB.K, LK.A, dt:= 6 - dt
AD.B, LB.A, LA=0, t:= t + dt
LM.C, DIV, JAZ.PRIM7, p = q.t + r, if r=0 then next p
LA.M, JGR, trial divisions while q > t
CT p, PTN 121, store prime p and alternate T1/T2
LC0, CP, J.PRIM4, s:= s+1, loop for next sequence
Merging the sequences, increasing from bottom zero word on T1,T2,
--------------------- decreasing from top word &-1 on T3,T4;
PMERGE: AC.A, AT3, LM0, set initial &-1 and get s
JMZ.PRIM8, if s=0 (for n<25)
then empty final sequence
-PMERG- Pass for merging the sequences from T1,T2 upon T3,T4:
PMRG1: P1-, P2-, LAE.M, parity(s) -> E
SML 1, SB.M, LCM.A, s:= ceil(s/2) -> M,C
JEZ.PMRG2, if old s was even
PTN 121, else adjust order of tapes
AC.A, J.PMRG6, and copy one sequence upon T3
PMRG2: AC.A, LB2-, init merge loop
- - - - - -
PMRG3: AT3+, here [A] first
PMRG4: LA1-, JA.PMRG5, loop while nonzero
: BT3+, LB2-, JB, copy remaining elements from T2
PMRG5: JGR.PMRG3, if [A] first
JEQ.PMRG4, if equal then skip [A]
BT3+, LB2-, JB, here [B] first; loop while nonzero
- - - - - - - -
PMRG6: AT3+, LA1-, JA, copy remaining elements from T1
- - - - - - - -
PMRG7: DP1-A, DP2-A, discard old sequences, here [A]=0
PT 343, JCM.PMRG2, loop for s sequences
-QMERG- Pass for merging the sequences from T3,T4 upon T1,T2:
P1+, P2+, P3-, P4-
LABE.M, SBL 1, parity(s) -> E, floor(s/2) -> B
SB.B, LCM.A, s:= ceiling(s/2) -> M,C
JE.QMRGE, if old s was odd
QMRG2: LA=0, LB4-, init merge loop
- - - - - -
QMRG3: AT1+, here [A] first
QMRG4: LA3-, JHAZ.QMRG5, loop while below &-1
: BT1+, LB4-, JHBZ, copy remaining elements from T4
QMRG5: JLS.QMRG3, if [A] first
JEQ.QMRG4, if equal then skip [A]
BT1+, LB4-, JHBZ, here [B] first; loop while below &-1
- - - - - - - - -
QMRG6: AT1+, LA3-, JHAZ, copy remaining elements from T3
- - - - - - - - -
QMRG7: LA=0, DP3-A, DP4-A, discard old sequences
PT 121, JCM.QMRG2, loop for s sequences
P3+, P4+, J.PMRG1,
QMRGE: PT 343, adjust order of tapes (since old s odd)
LA=0, JB.QMRG6, and copy one sequence upon T1, if old s > 1
P4+, else adjust p4 and enter finals
Final part of PRIMES:
PRIM8: LA=5, LCMK=2, p:= 5, pi:= 2, h:= 0 -> HM
PRIM9: AT1+, CP, store prime and count pi:= pi + 1
PRIMA: AD.K, HM+, p:= p+2, h:= not(h)
JHM.PRIMB, AD.K, p:= p+2, if h=0
PRIMB: LB3-, JEQ.PRIMA, no prime, if p is an element of the sequence
P3+, LB n, JNG.PRIM9, while p -= n
LA=0, DP3-A, discard merge sequence
PRIMEND:P0-3, CT1, RTS, store pi(n) and return
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... to primes.dry