- Aspect language analysis
- Aspect-oriented language design
- Object-oriented language design
- Program transformations
- static transformation of source
code: jTransformer
- load-time transformation of
class files: jMangler
- transformation interference
analysis: Condor
- transformation composition:
- Refactorings:
- Unanticipated software evolution:
- Distributed systems:
- Cooperating Knowledge Bases and Intelligent Agents (1991-1992)
- EPSILON: a Distributed Knowledge Base Management System
- Unaticipated real life evolution:
- ACE / JAC:
reconciling encapsulation and aliasing via access rights.
- Condor:
Conflict Detector for conditional program transformations, refactorings
and aspects
- Darwin /
type-safe object-based inheritance for class-based languages.
- LogicAJ:
an aspect language with uniform genericity and aspect interference
- jMangler:
adaptation of Java class files at load-time, generic class file interception.
- jConditioner / ConTraCT:
composition of conditional transformations / refactorings.
- jTransformer:
logic-based source to source transformations of Java programs.
- Tailor: language support for component adaptation at run-time.
Cooperating Knowledge Bases and Intelligent Agents (1991-1992)
a distributed KBMS integrating logic and object-based knowledge
representation (1985-1990)
- Favourite
Work in progress